How to find us:
From Heilbronn:
B39 to Mainhardt, journey time is 30 minutes.
From the direction of Nuremberg:
Highway A6 until exit Schwäbisch Hall, then on the new west infrastructure of Schwäbisch Hall congestion to the B14 direction Stuttgart and Michelfeld after Mainhardt. Travel time from exit Schwäbisch Hall approximately 15 minutes.
From the direction of Stuttgart:
B14 on Backnang and Sulzbach/Murr directly after Mainhardt. The journey time is about 45 minutes.
By train:
From Stuttgart with the RER R3 after Sulzbach/Murr. The pick-up to be arranged with the hotel for overnight guests (not free).
By plane:
Stuttgart Airport, then take the S3 to the main train station, go to the regional train R3 after Sulzbach/Murr. Pick up will be provided on request after consultation with the hotel (not free) for overnight guests. Journey time approximately 60 minutes from Stuttgart Airport.